#7: The Doomed Pursuit Of Perfection

There's an abundance of dietary advice across the internet, most of it is rubbish. In this episode I talk about why a health advocate who is spruiking the 'perfect way of eating' does more harm than good. Then I go into detail about how perfectly imperfect I am, and what it really means to have a slim mindset.

I also share a sugar free food, that is delish, but does come with slightly unfortunate side effects for some.


WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears. I also talk about farting so if that grosses you out, you have been warned.


If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources:

DOWNLOAD: the free Diet Brain Break Up hypno


JOIN: Slimmers' Hypno Hub membership (from only $9.99 a month!)

FOLLOW: Bron on Facebook or on Instagram

If you want to get in touch with me directly, then you can DM me on social media or send an email to [email protected]

Big love,
Bron xo


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