Weight Release Revolution

Weight Release Revolution

Hosted by: Bron Martin | Hypnotic Weight Whisperer

Weight Release Revolution is all about shunning toxic diet culture, learning how to love your body now AND as you release the energetic, emotional, mental and physical weight. Bron Martin, the Hypnotic Weight...

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#13: Fast Food Freedom

Today's episode dives into the deceptive allure of fast food and how it's meticulously bioengineered to suck us in, by exploiting our biological response to the 'Bliss Point'We cut through the 'but it's cheap, and...
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#12: Release Deprivation, with Delay Don't Deny

In this episode I share the concept of Delay, Don't Deny and how I use it in my own life so food doesn't have power and control over me, with it's 'come eat me face' and wheedling "you know you want me" tone from the...
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#11: Release The Weight Of Weakness

Our brain can do a real number on us, convincing us that we're a bit rubbish. When we bring the loving light of awareness to this, we can start to overcome it. It's not possible to shame ourselves into being better,...
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#10: The Stress + Weight Connection

In the latest episode of Weight Release Revolution, we explore stress and the effect it has on our bodies, our minds and in our weight release journey.We dive into: - The difference between trauma, stress and anxiety-...
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#9: You've Got This Hypno Recording

A track record of diet failures can leave us feeling that we don't trust ourselves, or our ability to make the changes that matter. This hypno gives your subconscious mind a pep talk, reminding you that YOU HAVE SO...
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#8: Diet Brain Break Up Hypno Recording

We all know that diets don't work. Isn't it time you freed yourself from the deprivation and despair of that diet led life? Start now by listening to the powerful 'Diet Brain Breakup' hypnosis recording, to liberate...
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#7: The Doomed Pursuit Of Perfection

There's an abundance of dietary advice across the internet, most of it is rubbish. In this episode I talk about why a health advocate who is spruiking the 'perfect way of eating' does more harm than good. Then I go...
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#6: What's Your BMI Though?

If you've ever been to the Doctor, and they've worked out your BMI and you've left with a heavy heart and a label on your body THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU!  We're going to dive into: - Why I call the BMI - the Bullshit...
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#5: Weight Release Saboteurs

  You know when you're shining your halo in the morning because you made yourself a salad for lunch, but you're left wondering what went wrong in the evening, as you're lying on the couch covered in crumbs... yeah,...
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#4: From Body Loathing To Body Love

In the latest episode of Weight Release Revolution, I share with you the steps I took to finally stop loathing myself and my body. From not being able to look at myself in the mirror, to dancing naked in front of it,...
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#3: What To Eat (And Not Eat) To Release Weight

On this episode of Weight Release Revolution, I share: - The best food to eat, and not eat, to release weight (and it's not what you think). - A well stocked fridge - ideas and inspiration. - What cures an upset...
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#2: My Story - How I Released 27 Kilos / 59 Pounds

On this episode of Weight Release Revolution, I share: - The insights into my life long never ending diet insanity, and what it looked like to reach rock bottom, before I repaired my relationship with my body AND with...
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