#17: Trust me! I'm A Doctor

In this episode you're invited into my busy brain,  where I share lots of things that were bubbling out of me and that I felt really called to share with you.

I share random stories and perhaps don't tie them together as tightly as you deserve. So amidst my stories about:
- My heart diagnosis
- Dodgy Doctors (including a heart surgeon I dated)
- Tofu
- The Carnivore Diet
- Two things I was eating that contribute to heart disease
and how you shouldn't trust anyone as much as yourself, I'd like to tie it up with a pretty bow here in the description.

Blindly trusting Doctors is not the way forward. We need to be advocates for our own health and question things - including dodgy Doctors who are telling us what to eat, making a living out of writing books and selling content about it, and then changing their minds and hawking some other extreme viewpoint.

In saying that, I share a couple of things that I know better about now and am no longer doing. My entire life's work is to get you to tap into the wisdom of your own body, and to see what it really needs - which is never chocolate by the way. I'm also benefiting from a Functional Medical Doctor who looked at everything I was doing for my health and helped me make a few tweaks to support my heart health.

Enjoy this stream of consciousness randomness and I hope you get what I intended for you to get out of my passionate share.

Big love,
Bron xo


If you're ready for more support on your weight release journey, I've made you a bunch of fabulous resources so check them out here! >> go.mindkey.com.au/hello <<

If you're curious about the Slimmers' Hypno Hub membership, and how it can support you to rewire your brain for weight release, then you can find out more here.

You can follow along on Facebook here,

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If you want to get in touch, then you can DM me on social media or send an email to [email protected]


I'd be SO grateful if you could leave a rating or review wherever you're listening to this podcast. It really helps this message reach the people that need to hear it - which is key to the success of this anti-diet, self love, weight release revolution!


WARNING: The swear jar gets some coins in this episode (and in most episodes to be fair) so be mindful around impressionable minds, or those with delicate ears.


This is a weight loss podcast, brought to you by Bron Martin, a Weight Loss Hypnotherapist. Except I don't like to say weight loss as it signifies losing something and the brain wants to find it again. But the search engines recognise weight loss more than weight release, so here we are with this little explanation to share why I'm writing weight loss podcast, instead of weight release podcast - brought to you by a Weight Release Hypnotherapist. I create weight loss / release hypnosis recordings and share the power of your subconscious mind to lose / release weight energetically, emotionally AND physically! xo 


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