Weight Release Revolution

Weight Release Revolution

Hosted by: Bron Martin | Hypnotic Weight Whisperer

Weight Release Revolution is all about shunning toxic diet culture, learning how to love your body now AND as you release the energetic, emotional, mental and physical weight. Bron Martin, the Hypnotic Weight...

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#3: What To Eat (And Not Eat) To Release Weight

On this episode of Weight Release Revolution, I share: - The best food to eat, and not eat, to release weight (and it's not what you think). - A well stocked fridge - ideas and inspiration. - What cures an upset...
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#2: My Story - How I Released 27 Kilos / 59 Pounds

On this episode of Weight Release Revolution, I share: - The insights into my life long never ending diet insanity, and what it looked like to reach rock bottom, before I repaired my relationship with my body AND with...
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#1: Weight Loss vs Weight Release

On this episode of Weight Release Revolution, I share:  - The loss vs release semantics and why they make such a big difference to your overall weight release goals - What your brain misses most when you're on a diet,...
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#0: What Is The Weight Release Revolution?

Here's a super quick intro into what you can expect from the Weight Release Revolution podcast. Who it's for and why it's worth a listen. Check it out! ------ If you're ready for more support on your weight release...
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